key terms

Explore our extensive glossary of web3 terminology.

  • A
  • Address

    In cryptocurrency, the address refers to a unique identifier of letters, numbers, and special that present a code. This code is what people use to send crypto. 
  • Airdrop

    Often used as a marketing ploy, an Airdrop deposits cryptocurrency tokens or coins into a users’ crypto wallet with the idea of driving awareness and understanding around it. Enhanced engagement can help drive up the value of any virtual currency and ultimately benefit the blockchain and its investors over time. 
  • Atomic Swap

    The Atomic Swap is a peer-to-peer exchange platform. Rather than having to rely on any third party facilitation, it allows each party to deposit a set number of tokens into an exchange contract. Provided each partner accepts the transaction within a set period of time, the Atomic Swap is executed.
  • C
  • Consensus

    A consensus is a protocol on the blockchain network that attracts all nodes into a single data set to agree on the authenticity of transactions and the current state of the network. Once the consensus protocol is achieved, a transaction can be approved. It is a snapshot of the fundamental principles of decentralised finance (DeFi) […]
  • Cross-Chain

    Cross-Chain is a term referring to two or more different blockchain platforms. Using the Cross-Chain Bridge innovation, holders can send different coins from one blockchain to another, solving the communication roadblocks that surround the isolationist nature of coins within their own wallets.
  • Cross-Chain Bridges

    A Cross-Chain Bridge allows individuals to transfer assets from one blockchain to another seamlessly. It is a connection point – as its title suggests – and a messaging vehicle for blockchains to communicate with one another. Without it, the interoperability of cryptocurrency and other digital assets would be stuck in a slower and longer timescale […]
  • Cryptography

    A term that describes a specific security protocol that helps protect information and communication. When employed correctly, it can prevent third parties or the public from accessing important information.
  • D
  • DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation)

    The term Decentralised Autonomous Organisation – sometimes referred to as DAO – is a member-owned governance system where the collective goal is to always act in the best interest of the entity. Votes are cast within the DAO on all required decisions, which reflects the bottom-up management approach of a DAO. 
  • DeFi 2.0

    DeFi 2.0 refers to the evolution of decentralised finance protoco;s that is driving innovation and improvement in the field. DeFi is short for Decentralised Finance, and the 2.0 version is promising more sustainable, scalable, and robust solutions, while addressing the shortcomings of DeFi 1.0 to foster a more resilient eco-system. 
  • Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)

    Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) enhances efficiency through its consensus mechanism, which requires stakeholders to nominate delegates to validate transactions and produce new blocks. It negates the number of nodes and eliminates Proof-of-Work protocols that are hugely draining, requiring massive energy consumption. It also helps to maintain governance and accountability. Essentially, it’s a way to […]
  • Distributed Ledger

    The Distributed Ledger – also referred to as a DLT – is a term used to describe the platform that chronicles and shares transactions across multiple systems in a computer network. It is primarily used for creating contracts – or smart contracting – that complete automatically upon meeting certain conditions. 
  • F
  • Flashbots

    Flashbots refers to an organisation responsible for research into diminishing the negative externalities of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) techniques on blockchains, which can include network congestion, privacy loss, and increased transaction costs. It is currently used exclusively with Ethereum, though there are designs on expanding the use of flashbots into other bitcoins.
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Our purpose is to raise awareness of the potential offered by blockchain technology and the Chiliz ecosystem. We invite you to explore and contribute to the growth of this ecosystem. It is important to note that this website does not constitute an offering, nor is it an invitation to sell, buy, or hold $CHZ token or any other digital asset.

Any reference to the $CHZ token is not directed at or intended for use by any person resident or located in the United States.

Nothing contained in this website shall be considered as legal, tax, or financial advice. You are responsible for understanding the implications and potential risks associated with the use of any information provided here, and you should consult with your advisors before making decisions based on this information. Remember, digital assets and tokens are subject to inherent risks, including potential loss.